With Covid taking over what was meant to be car season it meant that smaller events where on the cards with smaller attendance and people able to be outside meaning they socially distance from each other. LetStanceUK decided to hold their first Coffee Club event at Drumbo Park just outside Lisburn, Northern Ireland which had a great turn out of high quality vehicles. For us it was one of the best turnouts at a show we’ve seen in a while with some serious Japanese engineering on display as well as VAG and other manufacturers.

One car that caught our eye was an S2000 which we haven’t seen before which had great fitment as well as being a turbo build.

Another car that’s undergone some work is Jack’s 1989 R32 GTR (@jmgtr32) with subtle modifications giving an OEM+ look.

For VAG there was a lot of tastefully modified cars to choose from including Chris’s (@a3_doc) with his bagged A3 Sline Sportback.

It was a great event organised by LetStanceUK with a great turnout. Hopefully there will be more upcoming events and it was great to see people’s cars for one of the few times that’s been possible this year. Thanks to LetStanceUK for putting the event on and hopefully more will be held in the future!
Words & Photos: Ross McCully
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